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Q: What do you use to determine how close to the true value is to an experimental value?
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What is the difference between true value and experimental value?

true value is something that is true and experimental value is some thing that has been experimental with

What is difference between the accepted value and the experimental value?

the answer is error or experimental error.

Experimental value minus the accepted value is called the?

The difference between the experimental value and the accepted value is known as the experimental error. It helps to quantify how closely the experimental result matches the true value.

Do experimental measurements give the true value of physical quantity?

Experimental measurements do not give the true value of a physical quantity. They provide an approximation or estimate of the true value, which may be influenced by factors such as experimental errors, limitations of measuring instruments, and uncertainties in the measurement process. Multiple measurements and statistical analysis are typically used to improve the accuracy and reliability of the results.

Which term describes how close a measurement is to the true value?

Accuracy describes how close a measurement is to the true value.

How does an experimental conclusion compare to a theory or hypothesis?

A hypothesis is an educated guess and a theory is close to what a hypothesis is. A theory is the scientific process that is thought to be true. An experimental conclusion is the results to an experiment.

How close a measurement is to the true or accepted value is called?

This is the accuracy of a value.

Do car appraisals determine the true value of your vehicle?

Car appraisals can determine the true value of your vehicle but it can also vary on the condition of the car as well. These are not always an accurate representation.

What is a percent error?

It is a measure measurement of the amount of error made in an experiment. It is obtained by comparing the actual result, with the result gotten from the experiment. % error = [(experimental value - true value) / true value] x 100

Is it true that Precision is a measure of how close a resulting or measurement is to the accepted value of the quantity being measured?

Precision is a measure of how close repeated measurements are to each other. It does not take into account how close the average of those measurements is to the true or accepted value. Accuracy, on the other hand, is a measure of how close a measurement is to the true or accepted value.

How close a measurement is to the true accepted value?


How close a measurement is the true or accepted value?
