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Q: What do you use to separate bigger things from smaller things?
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How do you make objects bigger with the blue sphere in spore creature creator?

Use scroll to make things bigger or smaller. Spheres on a joint alters the thickness, but floating spheres with a ring on them has nothing to do with sizes.

How do smaller SD cards compare to bigger SD cards?

Smaller SD cards use a new technology that allows for them to be smaller in size, but hold as much, if not more data than the bigger ones. It also allows for new devices to be smaller and still accept these cards to use for data storage.

What do microscopes use to make things look bigger?

light microscopes uses light and lenses to magnify things look bigger .

Does harley Davidson use bigger fuel injectors and throttle body in 2008?

No, they are smaller

What tiles can be used to cover a 99 ft floor?

you can use anything you want, the smaller tile will make the room look bigger, a bigger tile a bit smaller. Light colors make the room look bigger & dark not so much

Why do bigger stars die more quickly?

Bigger stars get hotter, and use up their fuel much faster than smaller stars.

Can you use computer hardrive with PS3?

No they are 2 separate things.

Are bigger batteries better than smaller ones?

Bigger batteries generally have higher capacity, meaning they can hold more charge and provide longer usage time. However, they can also be heavier and bulkier, impacting portability. The choice between bigger and smaller batteries depends on the specific needs and priorities of the device user.

List three different techniques artists have used to convey the illusion of deep space on a two-dimensional surface?

They have used color. They also use a lot of shading. One effective method is to make things closer bigger and things farther away smaller.

What form adjective that compares two things using word playful?

more playful This is the comparative form of playful. Because playful has two syllables then use more. For smaller adjectives -er is added to the adjective eg big -- bigger, small -- smaller

Do most MLB ballplayers use big or small gloves?

They use small depending on if you are in the in-feild or the out-feild out-field is bigger in fild smaller.

Is 3.339 bigger or smaller than 2.354?

3 is larger than 2 so 3.339 is larger than 2.354. Whether or not it is bigger depends on what font you use.