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It means animal fat. Or for kids it means anything.

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13y ago

BLARG is something Ryan Scott made up in middle school.

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Where is mount blarg located at?

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Blarg is a whole 1/3 of an alien races dictionary being the primary word, the other 2 words are honk and shizno.

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anytime and all the time.

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no! he is not gay! blarg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who created the word Blarg?

Blarg was created in 2003 by some Jews. They decided to make a word that could be used in any situation. At least that's what i read. Im a German

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to get past pokitaru, you need the blarg pilot helmet, found on blarg depot planet gaspar. buy thruster pack, open lock, fly fighter, use missles when locked on only! skill point alien invaison, shoot 3 blarg saucers with visibomb gun.

How do you speak Red vs Blue alien?

The aliens say blarg, chika, and blargblarg honk and it is not clear what it means and is never explained. Its main vocabulary is just Blarg and Honk while it says chicka once in season 5.

What weapon do use to destroy the blarg ships in ratchet and clank?

Visibomb gun or the Devastator