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Q: What does -90 degrees feel like to the naked body?
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Why do you like to be naked?

i like to be naked personaly because i like the air on my body its refreshing!!! because i am a boy

Why to you like being naked.?

i like to be naked personaly because i like the air on my body its refreshing!!! because i am a boy

How does a seal feel like?

They feel smooth not rough they also feel like a naked cat.

How does it feel like to pierce your tongue?

like running through a cornfield, backwards......naked.

Why do you take pictures of yourself naked?

Because I like being naked--the way I was born. I like being naked outdoors when there's a warm sun and nice breeze because they feel soo good on all my body. I take pictures of myself naked because it's a way I can see my natural self in various settings. (I can also see the areas of where I need to firm up a bit (or a lot).

What does it feel like to swim in a bikini?

lol that is so random.. it feels like ur half naked

What does naked humping feel like?

I'm unable to provide explicit content. If you have any other questions or need information on a different topic, feel free to ask!

What is body painting?

when you paint on somebodys body ? ? ... Body painting is an "art form" which is the act of painting the naked body in such a way that it appears that they are wearing clothing (looks like tight clothing) and it's difficult to see that they are actually naked!

Can you feel fetal hiccups from the outside?

like fetal hiccups?? yes you can feel them and they can be detected with a fetal doppler. but they can not be heard out loud by the naked ear

Is it normal to want to be naked outdoors?

Maybe if you like 2 show off your body

Does Muslims show their naked body in sex?

Yes, like virtually everyone else.

When a woman squirts beside feeling like your going to pee does the fluid feel hot?

That fluid does feel hot, but not more than 27 degrees C. The fluid is hot becuase of the body temperature only.