that dot means reccurent, its usually above a decimal number, & means that digit continues on forever. E.g. put 1/3 as a decimal. this wouldn't be 0.3 it would be 0.3 (with the dot above the 3) so for the example above the answer is 0.333333333333333333333333333(continues on forever) By the way, the number can have a dot on more than one of its digits
you write a 1 and a dot next to it and a 3 with a horizontal line above the 3
You can indicate division in 3 different ways: (hard to show in the WikiAnswers browser) - with a division sign (a hyphen with a dot above and a dot below) - as a fraction: 3/8 (but on paper the bar would be horizontal) - as multiplication by a reciprocal: 3 x (1/8) (If this doesn't answer your question, please reword it and resubmit it.)
03 squared = 3 x 3 = 9
March 3rd, 2001 March 3 01 2001-03-03 03-03-2001 03-03-01 The Third of March, 2003
that dot means reccurent, its usually above a decimal number, & means that digit continues on forever. E.g. put 1/3 as a decimal. this wouldn't be 0.3 it would be 0.3 (with the dot above the 3) so for the example above the answer is 0.333333333333333333333333333(continues on forever) By the way, the number can have a dot on more than one of its digits
.03 is the same as 0.03 and as a fraction it is 3/100
If you mean nine dots (3 lines of 3) then it is: Start off at the bottom left dot. Go up to the top dot and carry on as though there is another dot directly above it. (think of it as an invisible tenth dot). Go down diagonal right over the two dots (the first dot you will hit is the top middle dot) so you finish up on the middle right dot. Go up to the top right dot. Go down diagonal left to the bottom lef dot. Then right to the bottom right dot.
you write a 1 and a dot next to it and a 3 with a horizontal line above the 3
0.6 recurring (written as 0.6 with a dot above the 6) 2/3
Dot 3 or Dot 4Dot 3 or Dot 4
Dot 3 or Dot 4Dot 3 or Dot 4
If you mean Kolm the story about the lost robot then I have an answer. There could possibly be a Kolm 3 because if you notice when you enter the second Kolm it says who found a friend... dot dot dot. So it could be continued. Maybe.
no, they mean the same thing
dot and vaginex