000009 km in Scientific Notation = 9E-05 x 105km
The date 05-24-07 is written as V-XXIV-VII or 05-24-2007 as V-XXIV-MMVII
In todays notation of Roman numerals: VIII-V-MCMXC
In today's notation of Roman numerals it is: V-XXIV-MCMXCIV
In todays notation of Roman numerals: V-XVIII-MCMXCII
0000083 in Scientific Notation = 8.3E-05 x 106
000009 km in Scientific Notation = 9E-05 x 105km
To convert 2E-05 to decimal form, we need to move the decimal point five places to the left because of the negative exponent. This gives us 0.00002 in decimal form. The "E" notation represents scientific notation, where the number after "E" indicates the power of 10 by which the preceding number should be multiplied.
2.54E-05 is scientific notation for 0.0000254. It represents a very small number, with "E-05" indicating that the decimal point is shifted five places to the left.
1.405 x 10^1
Scientific Linux was created on 2004-05-10.
GNU Scientific Library was created in 1996-05.
The date 05-24-07 is written as V-XXIV-VII or 05-24-2007 as V-XXIV-MMVII
they look like this just type the link in your adders bar http://www.bikinishopblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/1306633583-20.jpg