000009 km in Scientific Notation = 9E-05 x 105km
The date 05-24-07 is written as V-XXIV-VII or 05-24-2007 as V-XXIV-MMVII
In todays notation of Roman numerals: VIII-V-MCMXC
In today's notation of Roman numerals it is: V-XXIV-MCMXCIV
In todays notation of Roman numerals: V-XVIII-MCMXCII
0000083 in Scientific Notation = 8.3E-05 x 106
000009 km in Scientific Notation = 9E-05 x 105km
2.54E-05 is scientific notation for 0.0000254. It represents a very small number, with "E-05" indicating that the decimal point is shifted five places to the left.
1.405 x 10^1
Scientific Linux was created on 2004-05-10.
GNU Scientific Library was created in 1996-05.
The date 05-24-07 is written as V-XXIV-VII or 05-24-2007 as V-XXIV-MMVII
they look like this just type the link in your adders bar http://www.bikinishopblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/1306633583-20.jpg
In todays notation of Roman numerals: VIII-V-MCMXC