.085 meters
First, convert 8.5% to a decimal which can be done by moving the decimal point two places to the left. Therefore, it is 0.085 Then, you can multiply .085 by 1400 and you will receive 119. Therefore, 8.5% of 1400 is 119
Answer: 9.1% At 8.5% principal grows by (1+(.085/12))^12 = 1.0884 times in one year which is less than investing at 9.1%.
To find 45 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.45. In this instance, 0.45 x 51300000000 = 23085000000. Therefore, 45 percent of 51300000000 is 23085000000.45 percent of 51.3 billion = 23 085 000 000
as equal as, so equal as, more equal than, the most equal of.
.085 inches of sheet metal is typically 12 gauge.
{| |- | Psychoses |}
.085 meters
1, 5, 17, 85
It is rational.
Meteor .ie Meteor .ie
.085 is a decimal number equivalent to a fraction. The expression 'whole numbers' refers to positive integers including zero :- 0,1,2,3,4, and so on. .085 can be expressed as a fraction 85/1000 which can be simplified to 17/200
James bonds codename
There is a decimal point missing from either after or before the zero: 0.85 = 85/100 = (17×5)/(20×5) = 17/20 .085 = 0.085 = 85/1000 = (17×5)/(200×5) = 17/200
I can find no indication that the area code for Ghaziabad was ever 085. All current area codes beginning with 085 are in Andhra Pradesh, not Uttar Pradesh, halfway across the country. The area code for Ghaziabad is 0120.
The number of formula units is 0,602 214 085 7.10e23.