a Decimal.
It is 100/1 as an improper fraction
They don't. 50 is an integer, not a fraction.
it would look like this 3000/147
12 to the fifth is an improper fraction. It would look like: 12/5. In this case the numerator is larger than the denominator which makes it improper.
6.083333333333333 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 6.083333333333333/1.000000000000000. You can simplify this rational fraction if you require.
A banana is a non-fraction!
If you mean the fraction 12 / 60, you look for a common factor, and divide both numbers by the common fraction.
78% of a fraction would look like this: 0.78, or on a calculator it could look like this: 77.5
a Decimal.
It is 100/1 as an improper fraction
The way to figure this out is to convert the whole number into a fraction with the same denominator as the fraction being subtracted. Let's do this one. 1 - (5/12) = (12/12) - (5/12) = At this point, you have 12 over 12 minus 5 over 12, and to work a fraction like that where you have a common denominator, you can take the numerators and subtract them and put the result over 12. It will look like this: (12 - 5) / 12 = 7/12 That 7/12 is your answer. You don't even have to reduce it.
They don't. 50 is an integer, not a fraction.
it would look like this 3000/147
It is: 0.314 = 157/500 as a fraction in its simplest form