There are 7 Days and 7 hours in 175 hours
175 hours is about 7 1/2 days
If the question you're asking is 'what is 175 minutes in hours?', it is 2.91666... hours
3 Hours because there is 180 Minutes in 3 Hours and there is 2.91667 Hours in 175 Minutes.
2.9167 hours.
There are 7 Days and 7 hours in 175 hours
175 hours is about 7 1/2 days
If the question you're asking is 'what is 175 minutes in hours?', it is 2.91666... hours
3 Hours because there is 180 Minutes in 3 Hours and there is 2.91667 Hours in 175 Minutes.
2.9167 hours.
175 miles at 65 miles per hour would be 2.69 hours
60 minutes = 1 hour so 175 minutes = 175/60 = 2.91666... hours
480 miles per hour * 175 hours = 84,000 miles
arithmetic mean is the average (175+235) / 2 = 205
175 / 50 = 3.5 hours
Divide. 175 divide by 60 because there are 60 minutes in an hour.
You must average at least 17.5 mph for 175 miles.