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Q: What does 100000 100 bills weigh?
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How much does 1000. Weigh in 100. Bills?

Assuming each bill weighs about 1 gram, 100 $100 bills would weigh 100 grams. Therefore, 1000 $100 bills would weigh 1000 grams, or 1 kilogram.

How much do 1000000 dollars and 100 dollar bills weigh?

100,000 $100 bills would weigh about 22 pounds or 10 kilograms.

How much does 100000 dollars weigh?

it all depends how do you want type of bills you use like ones, fives, tens and so on

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How much would US$1000000 in $100 bills weigh

How much does 10000 100 bills weigh?

Since each bill weighs around 1 gram, 10,000 $100 bills would weigh approximately 10 kilograms or 22 pounds.

Would 100 pounds of 20 dollar bills weigh the same as 20 pounds of 100 dollar bills?

the answer is: NO! 100 lbs of any matter is only going to weigh 100 lbs, As goes for 20lbs . 20 lbs of anything is only going to weigh 20 lbs. no more no less, unless your on the moon!!

Is there a 500 million bill in us currency?

no, they currently print bills up to $100, but the following bills were circulated as late as 1969: $500, $1000, $10000 & $100000

How much would a stack of 1000000 in 100 bills weigh?


How much does a million dollars in 20 dollar bills weigh?

100 pounds

How many dollar bills does it take to weigh one kilogram?


How many stacks of 100 dollar bills would equal 100000 dollars?

Only one stack - if it is big enough.

How much would 20000000 us in 100 dollar bills weigh?

A stack of 100 one hundred dollar bills is approximately 0.43 inches tall and weighs around 6.8 ounces. Therefore, 20,000,000 US dollars in 100 dollar bills would weigh approximately 231,250 pounds, assuming each bill is new and crisp.