From what I know it is equal to 1024 kbps. That's Kilobits per second not Kilobytes per second (KBps)
one million kilobytes one thousand megabytes one gigabyte
Kilobytes are a measure of data size, not time. This would be the same as asking how many kilograms are in a meter. If you're asking about time taken to transfer five kilobytes, then the answer is very few. On a good dial-up connection, you can transfer five kilobytes in about one second, so the answer would be roughly 1/3600. On other types of connections it would be even less.
4.8 × 101 kilobytes
"k" or "kb"means Kilobytes,a type of unit to measure how much memory is held,used,treated,or deleted. 1024 Kilobytes, in binary measurement, is equal to one megabyte (Mb).
There are 10 kilobytes in 10,000 bytes. This is because 1 kilobyte is equal to 1,024 bytes. Therefore, to convert 10,000 bytes to kilobytes, you would divide 10,000 by 1,024, which equals approximately 9.77 kilobytes. Since kilobytes are typically rounded to the nearest whole number, 10,000 bytes would be considered 10 kilobytes.
The 10 megabytes is equal to 10,000 kilobytes. There are 1,000 kilobytes in 1 megabyte. A kilo is 103, and a mega is 106. There are 103 kilos in a mega. As a kilo is 103, it might be easy to see that there are 103 x 103 in 106 (because 103 x 103 is 106). As there are 103 kilobytes in 1 megabyte, there are 10 x 103 kilobytes in 10 megabytes. That's 104 kilobytes in 10 megabytes, or 10,000 kilobytes in the 10 megabytes.
512.000 Kilobytes.-
36 700 160 kilobytes
1024KB (kilobytes) equal 1MB (megabyte) So 100KB is roughly 1/10 of a megabyte, or 0.1MB.
8 MegaBytes is equal to 8,192 KiloBytes.
that's only about 4 kilobytes, you need 1020 kilobytes more to equal a megabyte
1 megabyte is equal to 1024 kilobytes.
At 1024 Kilobytes to a megabyte, 200 megabytes is equal to 204800 Kilobytes, 209715200 bytes, and 1677721600 bits.
One kilobyte is (2^10) bytes One gigabyte is (2^20) bytes So the equation would be: 10G = xK, (10)(2^20) = (x)(2^10), X = (10)[2^(20-10)] = (10)(2^10) = 10,240 or basically 10 kilobytes of kilobytes
* 1 KB = 1,024 bytes.* 1MB = 1024 Kilobytes.* 10MB = 10,240
2.3GB IS EQUAL TO 2,411,724.7999267578 kilobytes