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It means 10 multiplied by itself three times: 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000

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Q: What does 10 to the power of 3 means?
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What does 10 to the minus 3 power mean?

10 to the power 3 means 10*10*10, or 1000 10 to the power MINUS 3 means 1 over 10 to the power 3, so 1/1000.

What does 10 to the power of negative 3 mean?

It means 1 over 103 So, 10-3 = 1/1000

Is 5.6 × 10 ^ 3 = 560?

No, 5.6 × 10^3 is not equal to 560. When you see a number expressed in scientific notation like 5.6 × 10^3, it means that you multiply the number 5.6 by 10 raised to the power of 3. In this case, 10^3 means 10 raised to the power of 3, which is 10 multiplied by itself three times, resulting in 1,000. Therefore, 5.6 × 10^3 is equal to 5.6 multiplied by 1,000, which is 5,600.

What is 10 to -3 power?

10 to -3 power = 7

What is 10 to the -3 power?


What is 10 the power of 3?

3^10 = 59049

10 to the 4 power times 10 to the 3 power?

10 to the 4 power times 10 to the 3 power is 10,000,000 (10 million).

What does ten to the second power mean in math?

It means that 10 is multiplied by itself, and that it appears twice as a factor. In other words, it's the same as 10 x 10. For comparison, 10 to the third power means 10 x 10 x 10 (10 appears 3 times as a factor).

What is ten to the fifth power times ten to the third power as a single power?

10^5 means 10x10x10x10x10. 10^3 means 10x10x10. Multiplying them together is 10x10x10x10x10 x 10x10x10 which is 10^8. In general, x^a times x^b is x^(a+b).

What is the standard numeral for 1.3 x 10 to the power of 3?

In mathematics, "A to the power of B" means "the result of multiplying A together B times"; so "10 to the power of 3" is 10x10x10, which is 1000. This means the number can be written as "1.3 x 1000". 1.3 is equal to 'one and three tenths', so when this number is multiplied by 10 it will be thirteen tenths, or simply 13. This means "1.3 x 10 to the power of 3" is equal to 1.3 x 1000 or 13 x 100 or 1300. The 'standard numeral' is therefore 1300.

What is 3 x 10 to the power of -5 as an ordinary number?

3 x (10 to power of -5) = 3/(10 to power of 5) = 3/100000 = 0.00003

What is 2.232 times 10 to the third power?

10 to the 3rd Power = 10^3; 2.232*10^3 = 2232