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Q: What does 114 cm in combined length width and height means in regards to carry on luggage?
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What is 75 linear inch mean for checked luggage?

It means that Length + Breadth + Height of your cuboid shaped luggage is 115 inches.

What is the 24 linear inch mean for the carry on luggage?

45 linear inches refers to the combined length, width, and depth of the suitcase. So it would seem that you could have something 41" x 2" x 2", but that is not realistic and 9" x 14" x 22" are mostly accepted in the USA.

What are the measures of 80 linear inches for luggage?

for checked luggage add the length and width and height which cannot exceed 80 inches in this case

How do you find the total linear demension of two pieces of luggage?

Add the length, width, and height.

What does the 51 linear inch mean for carry on luggage?

It means that the sum of the length, breadth and height of the luggage is 51 inches. The individual measurements cannot be determined.

How do you measure luggage?

Luggage size is typically measured by length x width x height . This is in inches or centimeters. For the luggage total size, simply multiply the three numbers together. Luggage can also be measure by weight. This is in terms of Kilograms or Pounds

How do you calculate in simple terms the outside linear dimensions for luggage?

Add together the length, width & Height to equal it

How do you calculate 50 linear inches?

In the context of a piece of luggage you sum together its length, width and height - each of them measured in inches.

What size luggage equals 62 linear inches?

Linear inch is a fantasy word from the airlines. It means: X linear inches = length + width + depth (measured in inches). Inches are still inches. A 62 "linear inch" bag could measure 60" by 1" by 1" or 21" by 21" by 20" or any other set of dimensions that add up to 62.

What is the 45 linear inch mean for the carry on l?

It means that the sum of the length, breadth and height of the luggage is 45 inches. The individual measurements cannot be determined.

Does the length of the luggage go from floor to the top of the luggage or from the bottom of the luggage to the top?

it actually depends on how tall your laggage

Length by height or height by length?

Length by height.Addition:About artworks it is always height by length.