CXXXIX in Roman Numerals is CXXIX. In Arabic numbers, it is 139.
139 = CXXXIX
CXXXVIIII but today it is written out as CXXXIX
40% of 139= 40% * 139= 0.4 * 139= 55.6
139 as a percent = 13900%139= 139 * 100%= 13900%
CXXXIX in Roman Numerals is CXXIX. In Arabic numbers, it is 139.
139 = CXXXIX
CXXXVIIII but today it is written out as CXXXIX
139 is commonly written using Arabic numerals (139) in Japanese. The second alternative would be Chinese characters (百三十九).Written using hiragana, 139 isひゃくさんじゅうきゅう (hyaku-san-juu-kyuu).
40% of 139= 40% * 139= 0.4 * 139= 55.6
Oh, dude, rounding 139 to the nearest hundred is like deciding if you want to tip 15% or 20% at a restaurant. You look at the last two digits - in this case, the "39" - and since it's less than 50, you keep the hundreds digit the same, making it 100. It's like when you're running late and just round up the time to make it seem like you're not that late.
139 as a percent = 13900%139= 139 * 100%= 13900%
139 = 139/1
As a fraction .139 is 139/1000
30% of 139 = 139*30/100 = 139*0.3 = 41.7
-139% or 139%-1.39= -1.39 * 100%= -139% or 139%(There isn't really a negative %, it just means that the answer is lower than the correct value.)
Since 139 is a prime, the answers is sqrt(139)