167mm divided by 10 (move the decimal point once to the left) = 16.7cm
16.7 cm
167 millimeters = 6.57480315 inches
1 mm = a thousandth of a metre.
one metre is equal to 1000 mm (:
167mm divided by 10 (move the decimal point once to the left) = 16.7cm
165 mm = 6.496 inches Direct Conversion Formula 165 mm * 1 in 25.4 mm = 6.496062992 in
16.7 cm
1 mm is equal to 01 mm.
No mm equal a gallon. - Gallon is volume, mm is length.
167 millimeters = 6.57480315 inches
One mm is equal to about 0.0393 inches.One inch is equal to 25.4 mm
1 cm is equal to 10 mm.
Yes, a meter is equal to 1000 mm. So 1 meter is equal to 10^3 mm.
One inch is equal to 25.4 mm.
One mm is equal to about 0.0393 inches.One inch is equal to 25.4 mm
1 mm = a thousandth of a metre.