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Q: What does 16 kilotons mean in megatons?
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Related questions

How many kilotons was the hiroshima bomb?

About .02 megatons. It was a twenty kiloton bomb. A mere firecracker compared to today's whizbangs.

How strong are nuclear bombs today?

Modern nuclear bombs can be extremely powerful, with yields ranging from tens to hundreds of kilotons to several megatons. The most powerful nuclear bomb ever detonated was the Soviet Union's "Tsar Bomba" in 1961, which had a yield of around 50 megatons. Today's nuclear bombs are more compact and efficient than older designs, making them potentially even more devastating.

What is the Yield nucular weapon?

The Yield nuclear weapon refers to the amount of energy released by a nuclear explosion, typically measured in kilotons (kt) or megatons (Mt) of TNT equivalent. It indicates the destructive power of the weapon.

How much force is given off from a nuclear bomb?

The force released by a nuclear bomb is typically measured in kilotons or megatons of TNT. For example, the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima released an energy equivalent to approximately 15 kilotons of TNT. The force generated from a nuclear explosion is determined by the size and type of the bomb.

How big was the nuclear explosion?

The size of a nuclear explosion can vary depending on the yield of the weapon. The explosions can range from several kilotons (thousands of tons of TNT) to megatons (millions of tons of TNT) of explosive power.

How many weapons of mass destruction does Pakistan have?

Best estimates place the number of nuclear weapons Pakistan currently possesses somewhere between 50-60. Most of these are not attached to delivery systems (missiles, air-dropped munitions), but could be done in relatively short order. These weapons fall within the 4-12 kiloton range, the explosive equivalent of 4,000-12,000 tons of TNT. For comparison: The weapon dropped on Hiroshima: ~15 kilotons The most powerful US device ever detonated: ~15 megatons (15,000 kilotons) The most powerful device ever detonated (USSR 'Tsar Bomba'): ~50 megatons (50,000 kilotons)

How do the newer bombs compare to the bombs dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki?

The new bombs are many, many times more powerful. The Hiroshima bomb was only .02 kilotons. Twenty megatons today is common. so, hundreds of times more powerful.

How many times stronger is a volcano eruption than a atomic bomb?

The total energy released by the four main events of the Krakatoa explosion in 1883 eruption was equivalent to 200 megatons of TNT. Hiroshima was 15 kilotons. This will help you visualize the unit of both.

How much is 21 kilotons weigh in pounds?

21 kilotons is about 46,297,075.06 pounds.

How powerful is the atomic bomb?

Atomic bombs come in a wide variety of sizes. Their explosive power is usually measured in terms of an equivalent number of tons of dynamite. Smaller bombs range in the kilotons (thousands of tons) while larger bombs are in the range of megatons (millions of tons). Even a small atomic bomb is extremely powerful, much more powerful than any conventional bomb. A large atomic bomb can destroy an entire city.

What is the biggest nuke on earth?

The "Tsar Bomba" was the biggest bomb ever detonated, at 50 megatons. The U.S has bombs ranging in yield of 0.01 Kilotons, to about 1 Megaton. The reason for 1 megaton, is that there is no real benefit of having them any bigger.

What is the power of a nuclear weapon?

The weapons used in World War II had a power of 20,000 kilotons - that means they are equivalent to an explosion of 20,000 tons of conventional explosives (TNT is used for comparison). More recent nuclear weapons have a power measured in megatons (millions of tons of conventional explosives).