1 cubed centimeter is equal to 1 mililiter. The only difference is that milliliters are typically used for liquids and cubed centimeters are more often used for solids.
2 sixths are equal to 1 third
Cubic Centimeters
1 mL= 1 cm³ (or 1 centemeter cubed)
For all practical purposes they are equal.
A centiliter is larger.
1 cubed centimeter is equal to 1 mililiter. The only difference is that milliliters are typically used for liquids and cubed centimeters are more often used for solids.
One milliliter (1ml) is equal to 1/1000th of a liter (0.001L).
cubic centimeter (also a unit for volume of solids)
there are 1000ml in a Litre, so the answer is 1000th.
1 gal = 3785.41 ml 1 ml = 0.0002 gal
Milli = 1/1000 Therefore, there are 1000 milliliters in one liter.