I assume you meant 2.5 μm, but couldn't put the μ character into your question. If so, a μm, micrometer, or micron is a unit of length equal to 10-6 meters. 2.5 μm is therefore equal to 2.5 X 10-6 m, which is about equal to the width of a single strand of spiderweb silk.
um... a 100%?
um I don't know,but it really isn't that important if you think about it you might not end up using this in everyday life understand?
um well it depends on what you mean by expressions
um.... ya i think they do mean the same thing
Um, a carpetmaker . . .makes . . . carpets. Floor coverings, that is. Was that not perfectly obvious from the word itself?
UM stands for utilization management in medical terms.
um if u mean as i economic terms um i don't see how it could be if u mean like CAPITALIZED as in the word being it then also no
The symbol um is sometimes used for micrometers. the "u" in "um" should really be the greek letter mu, but some have a hard time writing it with a typewriter.
um... a 100%?
Assuming you mean μm - It stands for micrometre - a measurement of microscopic distances. One micrometre is a millionth of a metre.
Heads of terms = Condições de um acôrdo (Terms of an agreement)term - chamar, designarpalavra, termo, vocábulo; expressão; semestre, período letivo; condição (de um acordo) (Terms of an agreement)Also, the main headings of an agreement, a document.
Um grecians west quiz. This has got to be cheating. Uve asked every question on here
as a factor? um, 5 is prime
empire state building i mean statue and um um um um umu umu um um phaschal fi;sh and lady jliberty
um I don't know,but it really isn't that important if you think about it you might not end up using this in everyday life understand?
The "u" is actually the english replacement for the Greek letter mu, a u where the left vertical aspect of the "u" extends below the horizontal aspect. It signifies micro- , mathematically 1/1,000,000th (one millionth) or 10 to the negative 6 (10 -6). In this case, 9.1 um would be 9.1 micrometers, or 0.0000091 meters