The Latin phrase 'vidi quidi' contains an error, and is incomplete. For the word 'quidi' needs to be written as 'quid'. The word-by-word translation is as follows: 'vidi' means '[I] have seen'; and 'quid' means 'what'. The English meaning of the corrected phrase, 'vidi quid', is the following: I have seen what... .
They are all the same ... a Quid is a Pound is a Pound Sterling.
Do You mean 20-20 vision?
20 quid.
How are you today?
Quid ita serius = Why so serious?
it is around about 20 quid
20 quid
Literally "What does this want for itself?", Quid hoc sibi vult is a Latin idiom that means "What does this mean?"Quoted with quod rather than quid, it means "[Which is] what this means".
probably about 20-30 quid
Why not relax
They are saying twenty quid, which is slang for 20 pounds sterling (the currency called GBP). It's worth about 30 bucks (USD).
A "quid" is £1. Shillings no longer exist but used to be 20 shillings = £1 so they are the equivalent of 5p.
probably about 20-30 quid
20 quid