The fraction 22/7 is equal to approximately 3.14 in decimal form.
22/7 is equal to 3 1/7. Note that this is not equal to the irrational number pi, although it is quite close.
By using arithmetic operations, it is not possible to make five 7's equal 22. Adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing the number 7 multiple times will not result in 22.
8 over -7 equal = 1
Almost. 21/7 = 3, but 22/7 = 3 & 1/7.
The fraction 22/7 is equal to approximately 3.14 in decimal form.
22/7 is equal to 3 1/7. Note that this is not equal to the irrational number pi, although it is quite close.
No, 22 over 7 is not equal to pi, but is instead an approximation of pi, as it only gives you 3 digits of pi, the rest (after 3.14) in 22/7 are wrong. Pi is 3.141926......... And goes on forever, meaning that a fraction such as 22/7 will never be fully equivalent to pi.
9/11 minus 1/2 is 7/22.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 7/22, or seven twenty-secondths, is 0.31818182
22/7 is not equal to pi but only close to being equal to pi.When you divide 22 by 7 you get a rational number where the decimal numbers...repeat over and over again.22/7 =3.142857142857142857142857142857142857142857142857...You can not express pi as a fraction.When you write it out in decimal form the numbers never repeat.Those are the reasons that it is called irrational.
By using arithmetic operations, it is not possible to make five 7's equal 22. Adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing the number 7 multiple times will not result in 22.
22/7 = 3 1/7
22 is equal to 16 if 7 is equal to 13.
No. Is you were to convert them into number you will see the difference. the 22/7 it means: 7/7 = 1 21/7 = 3 22/7 = 3.14... And the 7/22 means 22/22 = 1 7/22 = 0.31818...