To round 230 to the nearest hundred.
We note that '30' is only thirty places from '200'. but seventy places from '300'
Since ;30; < '70' , then 230 is nearer to '200' then '300'.
Another way.
We inspect the number in the 'tens' column which is '3'.
Id this number is less than '5' , then you are nearer to the lower hundred number. If it is ;5; or more , then you are nearer to the higher hundred number.
Since it is 3 > 5 then you are nearer to the lower hundred number. which is '200'.
Since 3 (the digit were rounding) is less than 5, the number in which we would round up, 239 would round down to 200
It is then 300 rounded to the nearest hundred because 50 rounds up to 100
It is 200 because 30 is less than 50
230 or 260
207 rounded to the nearest hundred is 200
It is 300, rounded to the nearest 200.
It is 230 because 1 is less than 5