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Means the business is online as well as a shop

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Q: What does 24 hour visibility mean?
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What does 24-hour visibility mean?

24 hour visibility - this allows the customer to view the businesses website to be viewed anytime of the day and night. This is a good customer service because even if the business doesn't have a fully interactive website, customers can still see your goods/ services. This will also get them more money because customers are ordering the businesses goods/products online.

What does 24-visibility mean?

24 hour visibility - this allows the customer to view the businesses website to be viewed anytime of the day and night. This is a good customer service because even if the business doesn't have a fully interactive website, customers can still see your goods/ services. This will also get them more money because customers are ordering the businesses goods/products online.

Each 24 hour cycle of day and night is called a?

Each 24-hour cycle of day and night is called a "day."

What does from Sunday to yesterday mean?

Yesterday means the 24-hour calender day before the current 24-hour day calender day

What do you mean by 24 hour coffee shop?

The cafe shop that stays open 24 hours ... "does not close"

Will a 24 pipe flow 8000 gallons per hour?

If you mean 24 INCH pipe, then yes, it will easily flow 8000 gallons per hour .

Is 24 hour time is called 24 hour time?

yes, 24 hour time is called 24 hour time!!

What deos hour mean?

# hours The time of day determined on a 24-hour basis: 1730 hours is 5:30 p.m.

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24 Hour Catwalk - 2012 24 Hour Woman was released on: USA: February 2012

What is the equivalent of 17 on a 12 clock hour?

Don't you mean 17 on a 24 hour clock? That refers to (17-12)= 5:00PM

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Houston 24 Hour Plumber