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Q: What does 25 50 vision mean?
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What does it mean if you have 50 20 vision?

Your vision at 20ft is my vision at 50ft.

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30 50 is considered mild vision loss, or near-normal vision.

What is the median between 25 and 50?

The median of 25 and 50 is also their arithmetic mean. 37.5

What is gcf of 2510050?

If you mean 25, 100 and 50 then the GCF is 25

What does 20 25 vision mean?

It means that a person needs to be within 20 feet to clearly see what someone with "normal" (20/20) perfect vision can clearly see at 25 feet. It's good but not perfect vision

What does 20-25 Vision Mean?

It means you have pretty close to perfect vision as 20/20 is considered perfect. Simply put, most people see at 25 feet what you see at 20.

What is negative 25 minus 25?

-25 - 25 = -50-25 - 25 = -50-25 - 25 = -50-25 - 25 = -50

What does 25 25 vision mean?

that means that you have perfect vision__________________________________________________________The numerator refers to within what distance of certain objects you have to be to distinguish them. The denominator refers to within what distance of certain objects a "normal" person has to be to distinguish them. Therefore, 25/25 vision is much like 20/20 vision in that it indicates normal/perfect vision. If the numerator is greater than the denominator (20/15), one's vision is better than normal. If the denominator is greater than the denominator (20/40), one's vision is worse than normal.

What is the mode median and mean of 10 25 25 30 35 35 50?

The mode is 25 and 35. The median is 30. The mean is 30.

What is 1250 simplified?

If you mean 12/50 then it is 6/25

What fraction is 48 of 50?

24/25, or 25/24, depending on which way around you mean.

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