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Q: What does 2 percent 10th Net EOM mean?
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What does EOM net EOM mean?

EOM means "End of Month"

What does terms net 10 eom means?

EOM stands for "end of month". Net 10 EOM means that the net amount of the account is due 10 days after the end of the month which the sale was made. Eg. Customer buys $25,134 worth of merchandise from your store on 14th July. N10 EOM credit terms means that this account must be paid by the 10th June. Hope that helps Edit: I believe in the example that the original poster meant 10th August as the pay date as 10th June would be roughly 11 months after purchase.

What does 2 percent 2nd 10th net 30 payment terms mean?


What does EOM Net 15th mean?

The total bill is due 15 days after month end

Net 10 eom?

The payment to the supplier is due in FULL 10 days after the end of the month of the invoice. If the invoice is issued January 15th . The payment in full is due February 10th.

What does Net 30th prox 10th 20th subsequent mean?

new 1st/10th/20th sub

What is the payment term 1 percent tenth net 30?

1 percent 10th means that if you pay the balance by the 10th of the month then you can take a 1% discount on the balance due, net 30 means that if you choose to not pay the balance on or before the 10th the full balance is due 30 days after date on invoice.

What is 1 percent 10 th net 30?

1% discount if paid by the 10th of the month, net amount is due on 30th of the month.

What is 10 eom plus 60?

An invoice dated 4/21/10 with Net 10 EOM+60 Days will be due within 10 days of the end of month (5/10/10) with an additional 60 days after that. So the due date will be 5/10/10 plus 60....actual due date is 7/09/10.

Net tenth prox 1.5 percent sc 25?

This is a type of Payment Terms that applies to an account between an Vendor and Customer. This is how it is defined: Any Invoice dated from the 1st of a given month to the 25th, will be due by the 10th of the following month. If an Invoice is not paid on time, that is by the 10th, a 1.5% service charge will apply.

What is Net tenth prox?

Clarification -- prox is a shortned form of the latin proximo, meaning next (not approxmate as is commonly beliexed.) So, Net 10th Prox menas that payment in full is due ON the 10th of the next (proximo) month.

What does payment term of 2 percent tenth Net 25TH mean?

This term is similar to the normal terms (i.e. 2n10 net30) This term however just specifies a date. It means that if the company/person pays by the 10th of the month they can take a 2% discount, with the full balance (net) due by the 25th (with no discount). Company's offer this kind of savings to help entice the buyer to pay off their account early. Although 2 percent doesn't sound like a lot, when dealing with thousands of dollars at a time 2 percent can add up to a huge savings for the purchasing company. 2n10 net30 is 2 percent discount if paid within 10 days of the invoice date, with the net being due 30 days after invoice date.