It looks like 3 cents - exactly as in the question! A decimal representation does not imply a change in the measurement units. If this is required then you need to specify the units into which the quantity is to be converted.
Three and a third cents would be 0.0333... (repeating 3's) as a decimal.
It is 0.0003
30 cents
2.003 (Decimal 2 3/1000 ( Fraction
3 cents in decimal
Three cents = 0.03
.75 because 3/4 is just like 3 quarters and 3 quarters = 75 cents and when you put that in a decimal it is .75 and .75 is = 3/4
Three and a third cents would be 0.0333... (repeating 3's) as a decimal.
If you mean 3 and 8/15 then as a decimal it is 3.5'3' recurring '3'
0.3 cents
It is 0.0003
It is: 45/300 = 3/20 = 0.15