420 friendly means that the person doesn't mind if you use marijuana.
This slang comes from the police code for marijuana use.
they are asking if you smoke Pot.
420 friendly means you 'rock the ganja' are 'reefer friendly' or simply don't mind if someone else does
420 Friendly means you're friendly with people that smoke weed or anything similar.
There is no such term as 320 friendly. There is a term called 420 friendly, which means a person who smokes marijuana or does not care if others smoke around them.
If you mean 420, it is CDXX
420 euro.420 euro.420 euro.420 euro.420 euro.420 euro.420 euro.420 euro.420 euro.420 euro.420 euro.
"420" means the international time for smoking marijuana, how many toxins/chemicals are in marijuana, and Adolf Hitler's birthday
If you mean: 4 and 20 then the ratio is 1 to 5
It means 420 friendly or pot friendly
Sure you do not mean 420 friendly?
Maybe they meant to type "420 friendly" instead? "420 friendly" means you're okay with marijuana.
they mean 420 friendly. 420 is the time after school some college students always met for a joint. Therefore 420 friendly means you participate in or don't mind pot smokers.
420 refers to weed most of the time people use 420 friendly meaning marijuana friendlyWeed friendly
See "420 friendly"
There is no such term as 320 friendly. There is a term called 420 friendly, which means a person who smokes marijuana or does not care if others smoke around them.
There is no such term as 320 friendly. There is a term called 420 friendly, which means a person who smokes marijuana or does not care if others smoke around them.
the produce 420 friendly plants
420 = four hundred twenty.
420 means (in india) fraud For Fraud crimes, 420 section is levied on the person