Square numbers, like 49, have an odd number of factors.
No - prime numbers are numbers that can only be divided by 1 and itself. 25 and 49 are examples of perfect squares 5*5 = 25 and 7*7=49
1 x 49 = 49 7 x 7 = 49
1, 7, 49.
0 and 49, added together.
49-0 in egyptian numbers = 49
Besides 49 & 98? The numbers divisible by 49 are infinite.
Oh, dude, multiples of 49 are numbers that you get when you multiply 49 by another number. So, like, 49 times 1 is 49, 49 times 2 is 98, 49 times 3 is 147, and so on. It's like a math party where 49 gets to hang out with its buddies.
7*7 = 49 numbers.7*7 = 49 numbers.7*7 = 49 numbers.7*7 = 49 numbers.
Square numbers, like 49, have an odd number of factors.
49 = 72.
Just 49.
The number 49 can be expressed as the square of 7, since 7 multiplied by 7 equals 49. In addition to this, 49 can also be written as the sum of consecutive numbers, such as 24 + 25. Furthermore, 49 is a prime number, meaning it is only divisible by 1 and itself.
Numbers from 6 through 49 are prime and composite, but 6 and 49 are both composite
7 x 7 = 49
Between the two numbers there are 49.
1 and 49