about the distance between the two lines below |..........|
2 centimeters is just 2 centimeters, and 2 centimeters squared is 4 centimeters. 2 centimeters x 2 centimeters = 4 centimeters squared = times 2
Grab a ruler. Draw a 3 cm line. There you go!
4 centimeters=40,000 micrometers
1 inch is eual to 2.54 centimeters, so for 4 centimeters that would be equal to 1.57 inches.
i inch
Six centimeters is a length of 2.36 inches.
1.53 meters
4 inches are 10.16 centimeters.
There are 4 centimeters in 0.04 meters. 0.04 meters x 100 centimeters/1 meter = 4 centimeters 1 meter = 100 centimeters
It is like middle size.
16 centimeters is 6.3 inches.
2 Centimeters is about 0.787042 inches (less than one inch).
about the distance between the two lines below |..........|
4 meters = 400 centimeters while 6 centimeters = 6 centimeters
He is the shortest man in the world. He measures about 74 centimeters.