The LCM is 528.
There are: 528/8 = 66 working days
0.528 = 66/125
Well, isn't that just a happy little math problem we have here! If we take 66 and multiply it by 8, we get 528. Just imagine all the wonderful possibilities that number holds, like painting a beautiful landscape with 528 happy little trees!
8 * 66 = 528
The LCM is 528.
66 x 8 = 528 528 ÷ 8 = 66 A confusion of blanks!
66 x 8 = 528
The LCM is: 528
It is: 528
0.528 = 66/125
There are: 528/8 = 66 working days
Well, isn't that just a happy little math problem we have here! If we take 66 and multiply it by 8, we get 528. Just imagine all the wonderful possibilities that number holds, like painting a beautiful landscape with 528 happy little trees!