13500 litres of water weights approx 132.3 newtons.
a bushel is 56 lb
Change the mm into cm and 1000 cubic cm = 1 litre There are: (pi*12.5*12.5*56)/1000 = 27.5 litres rounded up to 1 decimal place
A stone is equal to 14 pounds. Therefore, a six year old should weigh about 4 stones or 56 pounds.
2500 litres is a lot more than 3 litres!2500 litres is a lot more than 3 litres!2500 litres is a lot more than 3 litres!2500 litres is a lot more than 3 litres!
About 5 litres
To convert pounds to kilograms, you can use the formula: 1 pound is approximately 0.453592 kilograms. Therefore, if you weigh 56 pounds, you would weigh around 25.4 kilograms.
56 litres = 12.3 Imperial gallons.
Since 1 liter of water weighs 1 kilogram, 1500 liters of water would weigh 1500 kilograms.
800-900 gms
An average apple or a light bulb can weigh around 56 grams.
How much do leprechauns weigh? Well I saw one with my own eye. I would say they weigh about .56 pounds depending on what they eat.
56 pounds
Approximately 10 liters of mayonnaise would weigh around 10,000 grams.
This question cannot be answered correctly... since litres is a measurement of volume - not weight !
1 quart (0.946 litres or 0.946 kilograms)
7.66 litres of water weighs 7.66 Kg