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Q: What does 5 breaths a minutes mean?
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While sitting at your desk you inhale an average of 19 times per minute. how many times will you inhale in 5 minutes?

19 breaths per minute * 5 minutes = 95 breaths per 5 minutes

When giving rescues breaths to a child you should give the breath over a period of about?

2 rescue breaths and 30 compressions, cycle of approximately 5 in 5 minutes

How many cycles of CPR should you perform for an adult in 2 minuters?

Each cycle of CPR should be performed in 24 seconds (30 compressions, 2 breaths). Therefore, in 2 minutes, 5 cycles of CPR should be performed.

Find the unit rate for 44 breaths in 2 minutes?

22 breaths per minute

What does the medical abbreviation RESP rate mean?

RESP rate stands for respiration rate, the number of breaths per minutes.

When to switch roles when giving CPR to avoid fatigue?

After every 5 cycles of compressions/breaths, which is approximately every 2 minutes.

How many breaths does a moose take a minute?

5 breaths

How often do you stop and check for signs of life when performing rescue breaths on a child?

Check for signs of life about every 2 minutes.

What is the ratio of compressions to ventilation for two rescuer CPR on adult?

ALWAYS 30:2 (compressions:Breaths) one person does compressions, the other one does breaths if you mean at what point so you switch roles? it's every five cycles or about every two minutes.

What is the unit rate for 44 breaths in 2 minutes?


In CPR for a child what is the ratio of compression to breaths?

The ratio of compressions to ventilation's in child CPR is 30 compressions to 2 breaths.

How many cycles of CPR should you perform on an adult in 2 minutes?

You need to do 5 cycles of CPR in about 2 minutes. 2 breaths and 30 chest compressions constitutes a cycle. Chest compressions should be at a rate of about 100 compressions per minute - doing compressions in time to 'Nelly the Elephant' will be about the right speed.