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Q: What does 5 quarters eqaul?
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It is equal to: 1760*5 = 8800 yards

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I dont think it has to. Pent = 5. So just a five sided shape.

What is Naira rate to dollar?

Today, June 5 2014, 1 USD is eqaul to 163.53 NGN.

How many nickels are in 5 quarters?

There are 25 nickels in 5 quarters. 5 quarters is $1.25. Try dividing 125 by 5, and see what you get.

How many quarters are in 5 and three quarters?

23 quarters

How many quarters in five?

there are 4 quarters in 1, therefore there will be 20 quarters in 5 (5 x 4quarters)

How many quarters are there in 5 dollars?

20 quarters are in 5 dollars

3 ways to make 1.50 with quarters and dimes?

# 4 quarters + 5 dimes # 2 quarters + 10 dimes # 3 quarters + 5 nickels + 5 dimes

What is the weight of 5 quarters?

The weight of 5 quarters is approximately 0.45 ounces or 0.028 pounds.