Are you asking what do you round this number up to? as your question does not really make sense. 69.25 round it up to 69 forget the decimal point.
6.925 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is 6925/1000 which can be simplified.
A typical statement in the field is the desire to "have a 95 percent probability of meeting time and cost estimates."
The Young and the Restless - 1973 1-6925 was released on: USA: 14 July 2000
Days of Our Lives - 1965 1-6925 was released on: USA: 23 December 1992 USA: 24 December 1992
5 x 5 x 277 = 6,925
Buy it for $6925 from a guy at the exit to the second section
It is the code right here --------------------------6925-4858-8489-5286
The phone number of the Franklin Library is: 612-543-6925.
6925 Highway 74 Saint Gabriel, Louisiana 70776
6925 on jewelry typically refers to the metal purity or composition. In this case, 69.25% purity is indicated, which means the jewelry contains 69.25% of the metal specified (such as gold or silver) and the remaining percentage is made up of other metals or alloys. This marking is often used to denote the quality and value of the piece.
The gross weight of the 2006 Toyota Land-Cruiser is 6925 lbs..
The country code and area code of Sreenagar, Bangladesh is 880, (0)6925.
The gross weight of the 2007 Toyota Land-Cruiser is 6925 lbs..