about 40 kmh. but if you want to know how fast it is in mph . 80kph is 49.71 mph and 120kph is 74.86mph
68 kph = 42.25 mph
335kmh is equal to 208.16mph.
317kph equates to 196.975 mph
60MPH is faster than 80kph 60MPH = 96.56064 kph 80kph = 49.7097 MPH
the record speed is 50 mph or 80kph
about 40 kmh. but if you want to know how fast it is in mph . 80kph is 49.71 mph and 120kph is 74.86mph
well 50 mph = 80 kph so i would say 60 mph or 96.56 kph... just google it
They are quite fast with speeds up to 80kph
80 kph
1 kilometer is equal to 0.62137119224 mph. 100 kph is equal to around 62 mph.
45 mph is equal to approximately 72.42 kph.
192 kph is approximately equal to 119 mph.
110 mph is equal 177.028 km/hr.
54 km per second is equal to 120,794.56 mph