Alleluia is a Greek version of Hallelujah, Hebrew for "praise the Lord".
Yes that is the same meaning.
As many as needed. It is time.
The exact word "Alleluia" or "Hallelujah" does not appear in the Old Testament at least in the King James Version (KVJ). It does, however, appear 4 times in the book of Revelations in the New Testament. Alleluia literally means "Praise the Lord" and that phrase appears many times throughout the Bible. At least 32 times in the KVJ and 60 times using the NIV translation.
hallelujah - NIL Alleluia 18 times Jerusalem Bible
The exact word "Hallelujah" or Alleluia" does not appear in the Old Testament at least in the King James Version (KJV). It does, however, appear 4 times in the book of Revelations in the New Testament as 'Alleluia'.Hallelujah literally means "Praise the Lord" and that phrase appears many times throughout the Bible. At least 32 times in the KJV and 60 times using the NIV translation.
The song you sing before the gospel while the priest walks to the middle Catholic/Anglican- alleluia alleluia alleluia Lutheran -alleluia where to whom shall we go? You have the words to eternal life. Alleluia alleluia.
The correct spelling is "alleluia."
If you mean Hallelujia (if that's how you spell it) I think it is like, YAY!
The Alleluia Files has 448 pages.
The Alleluia Files was created on 1999-05-01.
The ISBN of The Alleluia Files is 0-441-00620-5.
alleluia is not said or sung
Here are the lyrics: (and thanks for asking!) -CHORUS- He is risen! He is risen! He is risen today! The song is love and / we are His and He is risen today! Alle! Alle! Sing Alleluia, Hosanna! Sing Alleluia, Hosanna! Sing Alleluia, Alle, Alleluia! -1- Mary travelled to the place where Jesus lay dead, She found the tomb opened and empty insread And an angel said: "Why seek the living among the dead? Don't you know..." -CHORUS- He is risen! He is risen! He is risen today! The song is love and / we are His and He is risen today! Alle! Alle! Sing Alleluia, Hosanna! Sing Alleluia, Hosanna! Sing Alleluia, Alle, Alleluia! -2- So live out the good news for all others to see, Let us be all that He wants us to be! 'Cause Jesus is alive and well and living in me! Don't you know... -CHORUS- He is risen! He is risen! He is risen today! The song is love and / we are His and He is risen today! Alle! Alle! Sing Alleluia, Hosanna! Sing Alleluia, Hosanna! Sing Alleluia, Alle, Alleluia!
Alleluia comes from Hebrew; it means "praise Yahweh" (Yahweh is the Hebrew name for God).
The cast of Alleluia - 2014 includes: Laurent Lucas as Michel
If you type alleluia into a search engine you will find lots of information. The alleluia is part of the Catholic Mass and many other Christian masses or services. Haendel's Alleluia is possibly the most famous..... in North America anyway. Here's a link to that one: Other compositions called Masses probably contain an Alleluia as a part of the Mass. Here's another one call Alleluia Amen, also by Haendal