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That means that you may not have enough iron in your diet. Usually you do not eat enough meat or need to eat more red meat. You may need to take an iron pill.

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Q: What does Amoebic means?
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When was Amoebic Ensemble created?

Amoebic Ensemble was created in 1998.

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An Amoebic cell is differentiated from plant cell by its pseudopodia

Is Amoebic Dysentery Infectious or noninfectious?

Amoebic dysentery is infectious. It is caused by the parasite Entamoeba histolytica, which can be transmitted through ingesting contaminated food or water containing the parasite.

Is amoebic dysentery a fungus?

Amoebic dysentery (as the name suggests) is caused by a micro-organism, called an amoeba, which is found in contaminated and stagnant water.

What are some protozoan diseases?

Amoebic dysentry

What did Vincenzo Bellini die of?

Amoebic dysentery.

Amoebic dysentery what type of protist is it?

it is eujaryotic

What can amoeba cause?

Amoebic dysentery, for one.

What is the scientific name for amoebic dysentery?


How does amoebic dysentery spread?

Amoebic infection spreads by the orofecal route. Entomeba histolytica find a way to travel from faeces to food and drink by contamination.

What is the scientific name of amoebic dysentery?

The scientific name of amoebic dysentery is Entamoeba histolytica.

What are symptoms of amoebic dysentry? See this site for symptoms and suggestions..