It is Hebrew for "Friend of the Most High" and for "the people are exalted."
The first mention of Amram is in Exodus 6, where he is identified as the father of Aaron and Moses.
Exodus 6:20 (ESV) - Amram took as his wife Jochebed his father's sister, and she bore him Aaron and Moses, the years of the life of Amram being 137 years.
Yocheved was the wife of Amram and the mother of Aaron, Moses, and Miriam. It's all in the book of Exodus.
Chava, the wife of Adam, had her third son, Shais, at the age of 130. SARAI,(RENAMED SARAH LATER) THE WIFE OF ABRAHAM, HAD A BABY WHEN SHE WAS 90. Yocheved, the mother of Moshe (Moses) and the wife of Amram, gave birth to Moshe when she was 130. (This is inferred from the fact that Yocheved was born right when the Jews descended to Egypt. Moshe led the Jewish people out of Egypt at age 80, and the exile in Egypt lasted 210 years. 210 - 80 = 130.)
No, but sometimes "average" means "mean" - when it doesn't mean median, geometric mean, or something else entirely.
Amram's father was Kohath, a member of the tribe of Levi in the Bible.
David Amram is 6' 1".
Amram Nowak was born in 1927.
Amram. has written: 'Real options'
Amram Blau died in 1974.
The cast of Amram Jam - 1996 includes: David Amram as himself
Itubwa Amram was born on December 21, 1922.
Itubwa Amram was born on December 21, 1922.
David Werner Amram was born in 1866.
David Werner Amram died in 1939.
Amram Mitzna was born on 1945-02-20.