bcc - blind carbon copy. The phrase is left over from time way back when people used typewriters and carbon paper to make multiple copies. The carbon copies (cc) to people were listed by name at the bottom of the letter. A bcc when to a person that the other people did not know about.
A degree of correspondence or comparison between two math values.
0.859 = eight hundred fifty-nine thousandths.
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Bcc is blind or blank carbon copy. It is used when sending email to undisclosed individuals. Example, correspondence between you and an employee where the initiator of said conversation uses the bcc to a boss or other individuals and recipient of initial email doesn't know and can't see (blind) who ALL can also read email.
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The full form of BCC in history stands for Blind Carbon Copy. It is a term used in email communication to send a copy of an email to recipients without the other recipients knowing. This feature helps maintain confidentiality and privacy in email correspondence.
Hi Its not BBc in emails .Its BCc.It means Blind Carbon Copy. The receiver of the email does not know to who else you have sent the email if you put it in BCC. I think you mean Bcc which stands for Blind Carbon Copy. This is how Bcc is used: recipients listed in the Bcc: field will not be seen by any other addressees (those listed in the To: and Cc: fields).
BCC can stand for basal cell carcinoma. In the old schema for reporting pap smear results it stood for benign cellular changes. It can also mean blind carbon copy.
BCC Lions was created in 1982.
BCC Research was created in 1971.
It means BCC. The people in the BCC list will also receive the email; however, the BCC list is concealed, so people you don't want to see the list can't.
CC is short for carbon copy. BCC is short for blind carbon copy.The reason BCC is called a "blind" carbon copy is that, as opposed to CC, BCC recipients of an email are not indicated to anyone, including other BCC recipients.Therefore, if you send an email to person A, with person B and C in CC and person D and E in BCC, person B will see that the email was sent to person A, B, and C, but will not see D or E's names.Likewise, neither person D nor E sees each other's names on the recipient list.The manual that I read said that BCC is good for "secret guests" of a party.