The letter 'm' represents 1000 in roman numerals The letters CC represent two hundred.
In todays modern notation of Roman numerals they represent the Hindu-Arabic numerals of 200 and 19 respectively.
The Roman numerals CIC represent 199.
In Roman numerals, C represents 100C = 100CC = 200CCC = 300and so on
The letter 'm' represents 1000 in roman numerals The letters CC represent two hundred.
In standard Roman numerals, there is no such number as "S", and using mixed-case characters (like "Cc") also does not represent anything. That is to say, SXCc is not a Roman numeral.
In todays modern notation of Roman numerals they represent the Hindu-Arabic numerals of 200 and 19 respectively.
Each C represents 100 and there are two of them. That means this would be 200.
The Roman numerals CIC represent 199.
In Roman numerals, C represents 100C = 100CC = 200CCC = 300and so on
Roman numerals represent numbers, they do not represent words.
In today's notation of Roman numerals they represent 299 in Hindu-Arabic numerals
30X = 10X means 10, so 10+10+10=30
CCXCVI equals 296. CC=200 XC=90 V=5 I=1