one lac = one hundred thousand.
One-tenth of a million is one lac.
There are hundred thousands in one lac. 1 Lac = 100,000
It would by 2337. If you add it it would be 42.
CTC in lac(s) means Cost To Company in Lacs(Lakhs). Cost To Company is the total cost to employ a given person (e.g. you) Lac is a unit of 100,000 (one hundred thousand). E.g. if your annual salary is $120,000 and the company has to pay 25% tax after your salary, the CTC in Lacs is $120,000 * 1.25 / 100,000 = 1.5 .
What does 10k lac
It should simply be au lac, meaning at the lake. au = a + le there is no la lac because the noun lac is masculine, requiring the article le.
Either foot of the lake or first on the lake.
'in a lake'
it means " in a lake"
Either foot of the lake or first on the lake.
l'auberge dulac it means Inn on the lake! hence L'Auberge du lac is a hotel on Lake Charles
Du Lac in Lancelot Du lac translates to Lancelot of the lake or of the lake. It is a reference to how he grew up with the lady of the lake.
"Lac" in English typically refers to a type of resinous substance obtained from certain trees, often used in the production of shellac.
Little Lake House