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C is the speed of light.

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Q: What does C stand for E equals mc 2?
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In the equation E equals mc squared what does c stand for?

C = speed of light

In the equation e equals mc what does the letter c stand for?

c = the speed of light.

What does c stand for in Einsteins equation E equals mc?

speed of light

What does the 2 stand for in e equals mc2?

E=MC^2 the two means that the C at the end of the formula is squared, the 2 is an exponent (meaning that you times C by itself)

What does the c in E equals mc stand for?

Energy = mass x speed of light(squared)

What type of equation is e equals mc squared?

Energy=Mass xC2 What does the C stand for?

What does C stand for in E equals mc squared?

Lower case c is speed of light, capital C is for specific heat in thermodynamics.

E equals mc squared what does mc stand for?

In the equation E=mc^2, 'm' represents mass and 'c' represents the speed of light in a vacuum. The equation describes the relationship between energy (E), mass (m), and the speed of light (c).

What is the opposite of E equals mc 2?

The opposite of E=mc^2 would be the statement that energy is not equal to mass times the speed of light squared.

In the equation ''E mc squared '' what does the litter ''c'' stand for?

c in E=mc squared meaqns the speed of light

What does the C stand for in MC Escher?

The C in MC Escher stands for Cornelis. His full name is Maurits Cornelis Escher.

What is the exact opposite of E equals mC2 What would the -C2 stand for in real world terms?

The exact opposite of E=mc^2 would be E=(-mc)^2. In real world terms, -c^2 would have no physical significance because it is not a valid measurement or quantity. It is a mathematical manipulation of the original equation.