DHTML stands for Dynamic HTML, wherein HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.
DHTML means a collection of technologies for creating interactive and dynamic web pages. For more information you might wish to refer to its wikipedia page.
FKCEditor is a browser-based text editor which allows the web to edit features of text typically found in word processors. It is an HTML/DHTML text editor for many websites and programs such as Javascript and Coldfusion. Since then however, CKEditor has largely succeeded the FKCEditor module on many computer system programmings.
Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.
That means fever.That means fever.That means fever.That means fever.
Yes... Deca- means times 10. Hecto- means times 100. Kilo- means times 1000. Mega- means times 1,000,000. Giga- means times 1,000,000,000. Tera- means times 1,000,000,000,000. Deci- means divided by 10. Centi- means divided by 100. Milli- means divided by 1000. Micro- means divided by 1,000,000. Nano- means divided by 1,000,000,000. Pico- means divided by 1,000,000,000,000. Femto- means divided by 1,000,000,000,000,000.
multiple means multiple, plus means plus.
DHTML is a combination of javascript, css and html. normally a website with collapse/open menu function is built with DHTML.
DHTML combines HTML, JavaScript, the HTML DOM, and CSS.
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. DHTML stand for dynamic HyperText Markup Language, however DHTML is not an actual coding language. While both of them used to build web sites, DHTML is typically used to mean the combination of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and DOM.
DHTML is short for Dynamic HTML. It is a group of internet languages that work together. CSS is just one of those languages. You can write DHTML without CSS, but CSS is a part of the language that you can use It's pretty hard to use DHTML without it, but it is possible.
HTML and its derrivative DHTML is used to position information in a web page, and XML is used to describe that information.
DHTML was an old term we used to describe HTML that was being played with using Javascript (or J-Script) The term was derived from "Dynamic HTML." Javascript is now very widely used, and so the term DHTML has gone by the wayside.
yep that is what the d stands for.
Though they are standards XHTML and DHTML both save as HTML or HTM files. It is a browser thing. Newer browsers will save the files associated with the page either in a separate directory or as a unified page, an interpretation of the copyright issues involved.
Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language.
Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language