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Q: What does DoDFMR Volume 5 Chapter 33 state about payment?
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it is a direct payment from the state to the local government

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Which state of matter has no shape but has volume?

The liquid state of matter has volume but no definite shape.

What state of matter has no definitive state of volume and shape?

gas has no shape and no definite volume. liquids have no definite shape, but a definite volume, and solids have a definite volume and a definite shape

What matter state is definite volume and an indefinite shape?

The matter state with a definite volume but an indefinite shape is a liquid. Liquids take the shape of their container but maintain a constant volume.

Is a direct payment from the state to the local government?


Is a direct payment from the state to the local government.?


What state of matter does not change in volume?

A solid is a state of matter that does not change in volume because the particles are closely packed together and have fixed positions.

Which state of matter has neither definite shape nor volume?

The state of matter that has no definite shape or volume is a gas.

What state of matter has definite volume and definite shape?

The state of matter that has definite shape and definite volume is called solid.