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E = mc2 means that energy and mass are 2 forms of the same thing. In the equation, E stands for energy, m for mass and c for the speed of light. In a nuclear reaction, the nuclei of unstable atoms such as Uranium-236 break into 2 daughter nuclei and free neutrons. However, not all of the mass of the parent nucleus is transferred to these particles. A small amount is converted to heat energy according to this equation. Because the speed of light is such a large quantity (around 300,000 m/s), and it is then squared, a very small amount of mass can be converted into vast quantities of energy. In the 'Little Boy' bomb dropped on Hiroshima in World War 2, around 0.6g of mass was converted to energy, yet it released energy equivalent to the detonation of between 13,000 and 18,000 tons of TNT.

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Q: What does Einsteins E equals mc2 have to do with nuclear reactions?
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How was einsteins E equals mc2 used in medicine?

It is not used in medicine.

How did scientists apply Albert Einsteins equation e equals mc2?

Scientists applied Albert Einstein's equation E=mc^2 by using it to understand the relationship between energy and mass. This equation shows that mass can be converted into energy and vice versa, which has led to advancements in nuclear physics, such as in the development of nuclear weapons and nuclear power.

Who made e equals mc2?

it is Albert Einsteins most famous formula

What is an example of e equals mc2?

A nuclear explosion.

What does E equals mc2 have to do with nuclear fusion?

Some mass is "lost" during nuclear fusion and E = mc2 gives the amount of energy that this "lost" mass will be equal to.

What was Einsteins job?

he was a professor and a creator for E=MC2

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What do nuclear reactions convert into energy?

The nuclear reactions result in mass loss (or mass defect) that transforms into energy according to formula: E = mc2 , wher c is the light

E does not equals mc2 some help?

A re-writing of Einsteins famous equation is E = mc2 Wherre E is energy, m is mass, c is the speed of light (so c2 is the square of the speed of light)

Does einsteins equation E equals mc2 apply to black holes?

Yes, Einstein's equation E=mc^2 applies to black holes as well. In the context of black holes, mass is converted to energy as matter falls into the black hole. This energy can be observed in the form of radiation emitted by the black hole, known as Hawking radiation.

Does E equals MC2 have anything to do with nuclear energy?

yes, it stands for energy=mass times the speed of light in meters per second squared. it calculates the energy involved in splitting an atom. it also does other things i dont know what its part of albert einsteins theory of relativity.