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GIGO is an acronym for "Garbage In, Garbage Out" and originated as a reference to computer programming. It means that the validity and integrity of the results of a program depend on the validity and integrity of the input data. This concept is also sometimes applied to human (rather than programming) decisions that are based on "bad" data and therefore lead to undesired results.

It alludes to a famous quote by perhaps the earliest computer designer:


-- Charles Babbage (1864), Passages from the Life of a Philosopher, ch. 5 "Difference Engine No. 1"

GI/GO is a computer programming term for Garbage In/Garbage Out. It means that if you have incorrect data input, then your output will be incorrect

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Q: What does GIGO mean?
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What Is GIGO and BUG in computer?

For information on GIGO in computers, see the related question "What does GIGO mean?". For information on computer bugs, see the related question "What are computer bugs?".

When did Gigo Gabashvili die?

Gigo Gabashvili died in 1936.

What does the acronym GIGO stand for?

The full form of GIGO is: - Garbage in and Garbage out!

What is Gigo Gabashvili's birthday?

Gigo Gabashvili was born on November 9, 1862.

When was Gigo Gabashvili born?

Gigo Gabashvili was born on November 9, 1862.

What does Garbage in garbage out stands for?

Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO) is a phrase that indicates that computers cannot give a right answer if they have the wrong data GIGO can also mean Garbage In Gospel Out as folks believe anything a computer generates

What does letters gigo stand for?

Regarding computer programming, GIGO means: garbage in, garbage out.

What is GIGO in the subject of reading and phonics?

GIGO means "Garbage In, Garbage Out". In reference to literature, this might mean that someone gives out nonsense or stupid information or facts, thus any answers coming out of this will also be nonsense or stupid.

How can GIGO be avoided?

There are 2 pieces of GIGO: 1. The garbage 2. The process will produce the garbage (regardless if the input is garbage or not!) Take any one of them out of the equation, you don't have GIGO any more.

What you know about GIGO?

GIGO is a telecommunications service, famous for its starkingly obvious lack of any organisation or realism. My mum works there.

What is the difference between GIGO and bug?

gigo is an error dueto wrong input and output. but bug is an error due to problemin hardware.

The accuracy of a computer's output depends on the accuracy of the input?

Quite true. This principle was immortalized by the phrase "garbage in, garbage out".