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II ( Roman Numerals) = 2 ( Arabic Numerals.)


M = 1000

D = 500

C = 100

L = 50

X = 10

V = 5

I = 1

e.g. The year 2024 = MMXXIV

The Year 2025 = MMXXV

MM = 1000 + 1000 = 2000

XX = 10 + 10 = 20

IV = -1 + 5 = 4

In Roman numerals a lower value letter placed to the left of a higher value letter means 'subtract'.

Also the higher value letters are always placed to the left.

Two letter of the same value means 'ADD'.

'I' is a capital letter 'I' , NOT a number '1'.

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I = 1, II = 2, III = 3, IV = 4, V = 5, VI = 6, VII = 7, VIII = 8, IX = 9, X = 10

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