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Q: What does IT mean have no friends not equal to yourself mean?
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It means that you have a lot of very good friends, and can consider yourself wealthy in that sense.

When your friends are mean What is a good way to cheer yourself up?

get revenge

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it means that something bad to your friends and yourself is going to happen.

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The teachings of Confucianism are to respect others in your family, to have equal friends as yourself, and to follow government laws.

What does like and equal are not the same thing mean?

Your teacher probably wants you to answer this question for yourself.

What does it mean when your shy mutual crush spies on one of her brother's ugly friends?

Maybe she is spying on him for one of her friends, to know for sure ask her yourself.

Why do your friends sometimes not include you or don't answer your texts'?

Maybe they don't like you. Have you been mean or rude to them? Check yourself.

What does it mean when a boy calls you a lot and is mean to you?

If he is mean to you at school around his friends then he is embarrased to like you. If he calls you alot he either wants to mess with you or he likes you. But if you want him to like you be yourself, and maybe do some fix-ups! Look tottaly HOT! then he cant be embarrased and he will want to be with you and its a total win-win!! BUT ALWAYS BE YOURSELF!! and hang out with his friends girlfriends

What does it mean if you dream of a childhood friend you are no longer friends with and you are going to her wedding?

The childhood friend in your dream symbolizes some part of yourself. Because you are no longer friends with this person suggests that it represents a part of yourself that you have been neglecting or that perhaps a characteristic that you don't like in yourself. The wedding suggests that it is time for you to accept this part of yourself and integrate this characteristic into your life.

When one of your friends is mean to you what does it mean?

They might be jealous of you. Maybe you have something they want, but don't worry, don't let them get to you. If you feel they are being mean, stand up for yourself and dont be scared of them.

What if your so nasty?

If your nasty then your stuck up and you'll have no friends but if your really nice and friendly then you could have loads of friends like me. If your mean then GET A LIFE AND PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER MAN. Thankyou

You are ver lonely because you don't have any friends so how can you make friends?

You can make friends by being yourself. Be yourself while being friendly with others.