9 & 11.
Roman numerals represent numbers not words. September is the 9th month and the Roman numeral for 9 is IX.
The date 9-9-09 in Roman numerals is IX.IX.IX. If the numbers represent the date 09-09-2009 that would be IX.IX.MMIX
9 in Roman numerals is written as IX.
The Roman numeral XC represents the number 90
IX in roman numerals represents the number 9
9 & 11.
Roman numerals represent numbers not words. September is the 9th month and the Roman numeral for 9 is IX.
The date 9-9-09 in Roman numerals is IX.IX.IX. If the numbers represent the date 09-09-2009 that would be IX.IX.MMIX
9 in Roman numerals is written as IX.
The Roman numeral XC represents the number 90
XXIIX-IX-IXImproved Answer:-In today's notation of Roman numerals it is: XXVIII-IX-IX
In today's notation of Roman numerals: IX-IX-MCMLXXXVIII
By separating the numerals accordingly: M = 1000; DCC = 700; XC = 90; IX = 9, the answer is 1799
It is already in Roman numerals as IX which means 10-1 = 9
The Roman numeral IX is 9.
1499 (m= 1000 cd= 400 xc=90 ix=9)