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Q: What does Identifying the possible solutions mean?
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What are the 6 stages of the decision-making model?

identifying a problem thinking of possible solutions deciding on the best solution communicating implement evaluate (:

What do infinitely many solutions mean?

it means you can never run out of possible solutions - there are an infinite number of them.

Is identifying knowns and unknowns part of the first problem-solving step?

these are the 7 steps to problem solving! and yes it is the first step.... 1. Define and Identify the Problem 2. Analyze the Problem 3. Identifying Possible Solutions 4. Selecting the Best Solutions 5. Evaluating Solutions 6. Develop an Action Plan 7. Implement the Solution

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Possible solutions to a problem which you could choose from?

possible solutions to a problem which you could choose from

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ASAP is As Soon As Possible so I guess As Soon As Possible Solutions.

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identifying a motive is seeing why the person committed the crime.

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There are infinitely many possible solutions. The question needs to be more specific.There are infinitely many possible solutions. The question needs to be more specific.There are infinitely many possible solutions. The question needs to be more specific.There are infinitely many possible solutions. The question needs to be more specific.

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Which 5 numbers have the range of 10 and the mean of 15?

There are many possible solutions. One of these is {7, 17, 17, 17, 17}

How do you complete level 26?

We're not sure what game you mean, but please see the related questions for possible solutions to different games.

What 4 numbers have a range of 4 and a mean of 4?

There are infinitely many possible solutions. One such is {1.7, 3.3, 5.3, 5.7}.