"Lowest or Least Common Factor"
LCM is basically the method, used to determine the factors of any specific number or value, the Factors will be smallest in value.
just like LCM of "16" is "2x2x2x2"
but it can also be done as 8x2 or 4x4.
So the LCM is basically the Lowest value factor that you can find.
Improved Answer:-
LCM means the lowest common multiple of two or more numbers as for example the LCM of 3 and 4 is 12
LCM is an abbreviation for "least common multiple."
No, the math term ratio doesn't mean multiply.
the mean
mean: average
No, it means average.
LCM is an abbreviation for "least common multiple."
No, the math term ratio doesn't mean multiply.
LCM means lowest common multiple
I think it means Least Common Multiple...
it is a math term
the mean
its the answer.
mean: average
No, it means average.